Cotswold Terraced Garden with View

Quarry Garden design by Sue Bradbury Garden Design, Cheltenham, Gloucedstershire

Quarry Garden design by Sue Bradbury Garden Design, Cheltenham, Gloucedstershire

Quarry Garden design by Sue Bradbury Garden Design, Cheltenham, Gloucedstershire

Quarry Garden design by Sue Bradbury Garden Design, Cheltenham, Gloucedstershire
A Stunning Quarry Garden on Three Levels
This was a tricky site I designed in 2019. I was asked to help, as the garden was built on old quarry site, the only access being through the house. With the back garden on a slope, the cottage was dark and the garden unusable. It was a struggle to get to top, where the view was worth it if you could get there!
Due to its difficult location, the landscaping took almost a year, as works vehicles could only access the site through a neighbour's field. At one time there was a digger on every level - a scary moment for the owner looking out of her kitchen window!
To minimise the impact of the slope, I designed the new garden on three levels:
Level 1
Situated near the house, I designed this with a lawn, a "Wow" border, espalliers to screen neighbouring property, and gravelled seating area with lavender, roses and water feature.
Level 2
Cordon apple trees planted along the edge, with raised beds, compost, benches and a Cherry tree.
Level 3
A gravelled area with prairie planting and stone steps leading to a Chelsea summerhouse, so the owners can sit and enjoy the amazing view over neighbouring rooftops.
The garden is now a sanctuary enjoyed by the owners, who had no idea their garden was so big until they saw the finished result.
During Construction

Quarry Garden Design - during construction by Sue Bradbury Garden Design Cheltenham Gloucestershire

Quarry Garden Design - during construction by Sue Bradbury Garden Design Cheltenham Gloucestershire

Quarry Garden Design - during construction by Sue Bradbury Garden Design Cheltenham Gloucestershire

Quarry Garden Design - during construction by Sue Bradbury Garden Design Cheltenham Gloucestershire
Before Construction

Quarry Garden - before construction by Sue Bradbury Garden Design

Quarry GardQuarry Garden - before construction by Sue Bradbury Garden Designen - before

Quarry Garden - before construction by Sue Bradbury Garden Design

Quarry Garden - before construction by Sue Bradbury Garden Design